5 Steps For Effective SEO And PPC Keyword Generation

Marketers adopt different digital marketing strategies to reach their target audience, and two of the commonest are SEO and PPC. These strategies are ever-evolving and are becoming even more critical. However, to use these strategies effectively, keyword research is vital.

Marketers must be able to identify the PPC keywords that are ideal for their content. Otherwise, it would be hard to reach their target audience, and maximizing ROI becomes even more challenging.

As far as keywords are concerned, the digital marketing world has evolved past one-word keywords. According to a research paper writing service platform report, searches that use longtail keywords have 3 percent to 5 percent higher click-through rates than normal searches. Also, you should note that more than 50% of organic searches have more than four words.

The common question that marketers ask themselves now is how they can improve the keyword generation for their PPC and SEO campaigns. In this article, we discuss five steps to generate keywords for SEO and PPC.

Use multiple tactics and tools to generate keywords

To start your keyword research, you can’t focus on one method. You won’t be able to get all the essential options that you need. You must diversify your search by using multiple tactics and tools for keyword generation. The good thing is, there are different options to choose from. Some of the commonest are:

  • Google: Google is a major source for keyword research. You can easily check the latest trend in your niche.
  • Keyword research tools: there are numerous research tools such as Google Keyword Planner that can be used for free to search for keywords. Also, there are paid tools such as Keyword Snatcher and Ahrefs Keyword Explorer, which you can use to get great results.

Carry out competitor research

Competitor research is another crucial step to take in your keyword research process. This will give you more ideas for keywords and how to use them.

You have to analyze your competitor’s posts to find the keywords that make their content rank high on search engines. Here are different ways for you to do this:

  • Blog: your competitor’s blog is where you will find their content, so you must go through it to find out why they are doing better.
  • PPC ads: go through the PPC ads of your competitors to find the keywords they’re using.
  • Product description: a good product description can be the difference between top-selling products and others that don’t sell as much. So you should also analyze their product descriptions to find their strengths.

Create categories for your keywords

After completing your keyword research, the next thing to do is create groups and categories for your keyword based on phrases and search terms. According to an article on the do my assignment for me platform, it might be challenging to deal with numerous keyword options. However, if you are able to group them into categories, it will be easier to handle. Here’s how you can go about this:

  • Create categories based on topics to give you a good overview.
  • Analyze the keywords based on search traffic and competition.
  • Remove keywords that you don’t need. You are unlikely to use all the keywords that you’ve researched. So you should take out the unnecessary and irrelevant ones.

Determine the goal of your keyword


You will need specific keywords to reach your business goal. So you must determine the purpose and objective of your keywords from the curated list. Some of the goals that you might be looking to achieve are:

  • Drive conversions
  • Raise brand awareness
  • Promote new services and products
  • Increase customer loyalty

Also, it would be best to keep in mind that SEO content and PPC campaign goals depend on where a prospect is in their customer journey. This will also help you determine the right keyword to use.

Interchange keyword use between your campaigns

Lastly, you have to interchange your keyword usage between your campaigns. PPC and SEO campaigns are meant to support each other even though they’re different. This means that it’s possible to use the same kinds of keywords for both campaigns.

Also, you must make sure you use PPC and SEO keywords across different channels. However, you must not be afraid to expand your list and add these keywords to other platforms such as email newsletters, social media posts, PPC ads, and YouTube videos.


Although there are many aspects to PPC and SEO campaigns, keyword generation is essential to the success of these campaigns. You can only maximize your contents’ efficiency and reach your ideal audience when you use the right keywords. The steps to generate the right keywords are already discussed in this article.

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