How an Introvert Freelancer can work in a Team

Many people in the world today choose to work remotely. This is a great option for those who do not want to waste time commuting to the office every day. Freelancers can build their own schedule and choose the place in which they will work. It can be both their house and a cafe or even a table on the seashore.

However, more often than not, freelancing involves teamwork because employees perform tasks on large projects. Each project has several people who take responsibility for completing specific tasks. This is convenient for those who are used to being in a team and who can easily communicate with people. But what should introverts do? We will talk about this below.

Teamwork in the modern world

Despite the fact that capitalism assumes that everyone works for himself, now we can constantly see how companies are attracting their employees to work as a team. The fact is that the format of design work is now very popular. Large companies usually plan a large project and assign employees to execute it.

For example, if you have the goal of creating a website, then you need someone to write the code, someone to come up with a design, someone to write selling texts, someone to promote. All this is impossible without well-coordinated teamwork.

Even work on Instagram accounts is often carried out by several people. Only those who invite professionals to maintain an account are not forced to buy real Instagram followers. The rest, unfortunately, do not cope with this difficult task and do not receive good feedback from a wide audience.

Why teamwork isn’t for everyone

Undoubtedly, a huge part of people like to be in a team and work together with colleagues. However, there are many introverts in the world who find it difficult to constantly communicate with people and be dependent on their work. Many people want to do their own things and do things alone. This is their right and they can work as they like.

But unfortunately, not all companies can accept such employees. Often at the labor exchange you can see ads in which the employer calls sociability and the ability to work in a team as one of the main qualities of an employee. For this reason, many good specialists cannot find work for a long time and do not have enough money to live on.

This problem plagues many people, but most often companies don’t think about it. To reduce the amount of teamwork, you can think of formats in which some of the workers will perform their tasks alone and only send the results to the management or the project manager.

How an introvert can survive in a team

The clear advantage of working remotely is that you can at least be at home. Naturally, if a person is an introvert, then it is difficult for him to read work chats and communicate with the team, even on social networks or in services such as Google Docs. However, to minimize this communication, you can turn off notifications for these chats.

If one of your colleagues wants to contact you in the general chat, then he can mention your account and you will receive a notification. This allows you to read only what you need to do your job.

In addition, you can try to find a company in which even large projects are assembled in parts. As a rule, successful project managers take part in such projects, who manage the work of the entire team. Employees do not interact with each other and may not even know each other, because the project manager distributes tasks and checks the results of each employee.

Ways to be a solo freelancer

If you do not want to face teamwork at all, then you can be an independent worker. One of the best solutions for you is to find work on online freelance services. Of course, such services are not the best place to make money, because inexpensive jobs are usually published there, but they are better than nothing.

You can work there early in your career and gain experience in the form of a large portfolio and positive customer reviews. This will give you the opportunity in the future to provide large companies with proof that you have been working in your field for a long time and are a good specialist.

On such services, customers often place orders anonymously and you may not even know for which website you are doing the task. You will receive a technical assignment for the implementation of this task in which everything that is required of you will be written. After you submit the work, you will receive money for it. This scheme is quite convenient and transparent in terms of money transfer, because the service is responsible for its security.


We hope that now you are convinced that introverts can work as freelancers too. The main thing is to find the right place!

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