Things Recruiters and Employers Look for in a Resume

Before starting a job search, it is important to prepare and perfect a resume. You may be tempted to send out as many resumes as possible to increase your chances of getting a job. But, if you do not have the right information, you might be doing yourself more harm than good.

The following information will tell you some of the most important things that employers will use to evaluate your qualifications. Once you have a good sense of these, you will have a much better chance of getting an interview.

In addition, when writing your resume, you should know what type of format and layout employers will be looking for. The best resume builder I have ever come across, and helps you to build a professional resume, and customize it according to the requirements.

With that being said, make sure you read to the end and find out what are those eight things that an employer looks for in a resume.

8 Things Recruiters and Employers Look for in a Resume

1. Education and Training

Employers tend to value the education and training you have received. If you do not have a college degree, this will certainly be a drawback.

However, you can get around this by showing that your training and skills are equivalent to those of someone who has been through college.

In addition, there are certain degrees that employers value more than others. For example, business degrees tend to be looked upon more favorably than degrees in art history.

But, if you are looking for an art-related job, your resume should include any degrees or courses relevant to this field.

2. Employment Experience

Most employers want their employees to be experienced in their fields. When applying for a new position, you must be able to show that you have held previous jobs that are similar to this one.

This means that it is important to not over-simplify past employment opportunities on the resume. If the job was related, then it should certainly be included; but do not act as though it influenced your current abilities when it did not.

As far as putting this information on the resume goes, list each job separately and write about your accomplishments with each employer. Only highlight information regarding the task that is most relevant to your desired job.

3. Job-Related Skills

Employers are looking for employees who have the skills needed to successfully complete their tasks. If you do not have these, then it will be difficult for you to find a job or keep one.

That said, listing the skills you possess on your resume might help increase your chances of getting an interview.

When making this list, try to focus on those which are absolutely necessary for this specific position. You should also mention any computer program knowledge you have, as employers tend to value this highly.

These should be specifically related back to the job description and what you would need them for in order to succeed in this role.

Finally, if there is some other ‘bonus’ knowledge you have, it may be worth mentioning as a side note.

4. Work Environment Preferences

If you have some preferences for the type of environment in which you would prefer to work, this should be included on your resume. If there is a specific place or culture that would suit you more than others, then write about this in the cover letter and/or personal statement.

In addition, if there are any types of work schedules that fit into your life better than others, include this information on the resume as well. For example, if working during set hours (e.g., 9:00 am – 5:00 pm) is difficult for you but adjusting your schedule to accommodate fluctuating needs at work is not, then be sure to mention this in your resume.

5. Skills in Specific Technologies

Most employers are looking for employees who have the skill they need in order to complete their tasks. If you do not have the skills they want, then it is highly unlikely that you will get an interview.

Make sure to list any relevant skills on your resume along with what software or systems you are comfortable working with at least one level of proficiency.

You must try to find out exactly which programs and tools the company uses before sending them your application or trying to schedule an interview. You should also indicate on the cover letter which types of technologies fit into your life easily.

6. Other Interests and Desired Job Functions

It is important for employers to see that you are not only able to do the job for which you are applying but that you also want it. Many companies strive to hire those who enjoy their work and those who would be willing to go above and beyond in their roles.

If there is something extremely relevant to your desired position, then consider including information on this area as well. However, even if there isn’t anything specific, listing some other general interests might indicate a broader range of skills or abilities than just those related directly to the job at hand.

7. References

It is customary for employers to ask for references. Including references on your resume will show them that you have people prepared to talk about your past employment experiences/behavior if needed. Although providing these references might not get you a job, it will surely help your application.

It is also a good idea to have these references ready before applying just in case you are asked for them when the employer contacts you. When writing about them on your resume, mention something nice about their work and what they were able to teach or accomplish during your time with them.

8. Formatting

The formatting of your resume plays a key role in how it will be perceived. Make sure to follow any specific requirements for formatting when preparing your application. If there are no specifications, then you should use the following guidelines:

  • Do not make your resume wider than one page (this includes margins)
  • Use an easy-to-read font (e.g., Calibri or Arial; at least 11 pt)
  • Keep the text size consistent throughout the document
  • Differentiate between headings and written text with sufficient spacing (1/2 inch) between each line/paragraph


In the end, all I would like to say is that you must keep your resume well maintained. Keep updating it from time to time and make sure it looks attractive and is readable. If you follow all the above-listed guidelines, you’ll notice better results in interviews.

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